By incorporating cyber threat intelligence, adversary emulation provides a form of cybersecurity assessment that mimics advanced persistent threat (APT) tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). This comprehensive guide introduces an empirical approach with strategies and processes collected over a decade of experience in the cybersecurity field. You’ll learn to assess resilience against coordinated and stealthy threat actors capable of harming an organization.
Author Drinor Selmanaj demonstrates adversary emulation for offensive operators and defenders using practical examples and exercises that actively model adversary behavior. Each emulation plan includes different hands-on scenarios, such as smash-and-grab or slow-and-deliberate. This book uses the MITRE ATT&CK knowledge base as a foundation to describe and categorize TTPs based on real-world observations and provides a common language that’s standardized and accessible to everyone.
Drinor Selmanaj is a cybersecurity frontiersman with over a decade of experience in penetration testing, cyberterrorism combat, and global privacy. He has worked with NATO representatives, multinational corporations, tech giants, and heads of state.
Drinor is an award-winning cybersecurity professional, lecturer, public speaker, and executive aspiring to boost innovation while perpetually pursuing excellence and keeping one step ahead of cyber threats.
He has founded numerous businesses and initiatives focusing on cybersecurity services and education. At Sentry Cybersecurity & Defense, Drinor leads an advanced team of cybersecurity professionals, overseeing the delivery of advanced penetration testing and consultancy services to major corporations, including those classified as unicorn entities and some of the Big Four.
Drinor adapts his presentations for each event to the specific interests and needs of his audience, whether they are established experts, policymakers, or newcomers to the field.
Drinor Selmanaj is a renowned cybersecurity advisor whose strategic insights have guided heads of state, top executives, and multinational corporations through the complex landscape of cyber threats.
Drinor’s leadership at Sentry Cybersecurity & Defense has positioned the company as a leader in providing cutting-edge offensive security services.
Drinor Selmanaj’s Cyber Academy excels in delivering high-impact workshops and boot camps designed to equip participants with the latest skills and knowledge in cybersecurity
Drinor Selmanaj is renowned in the cybersecurity community for his technical expertise and his profound commitment to mentoring the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.
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